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Shetland Kye

Our Shetland Cattle

Crops of grass silage and barley are grown to feed this herd of rare indigenous Shetland Cattle during the winter. These cattle complement flocks of native Shetland sheep, often eating side by side over the steep hillsides on a vast array of mountain grasses and flowering herbs.

An Uradale cow and calf won the breed society’s Centenary show and their herd name of Ustaness is known throughout the UK.

Shetland "kye" are very special lacking most of the features desired by today’s farmers, but possessing qualities more akin to undomesticated stock. These natural attributes of healthy fats and darker meat are characteristic of a breed not too removed from its bovine ancestors.

Link to Shetland Cattle Herd Book Society

  • Post author
    Ronnie Eunson